Slow and Steady

Posts Tagged ‘Paul McKenna

Well I think I’ve been doing quite well but I noticed that my jeans have actually got tighter. It’s very odd because I would say that I’ve been following it better than I did last year.

I even went to Ikea yesterday  and had meatballs which I didn’t finish! I was so proud as that would not have happened before. I think that… TMI coming, only highlight if you want to read  I think it has something to do with this constipated feeling I’ve been having. I never feel completely empty, that’s wrong isn’t it?

Anyway I’m going to keep pressing on and will hopefully see some weight loss soon.

I’m in a flare up, but my motivation to exercise has not gone away, so I started to look at what I can do on my bed. I’ve got a page of stretches that are supposed to be done on the floor, so I did them.

I also found a few youtube videos that are good too. Youtube vids

I love the woman with the big glasses, it’s so 80s. lol

Today is day 7 of me  restarting the Paul McKenna weight loss system and it seems to be working a lot better for me this time around. I think the main thing is that I’ve started to listen to the CD in the daytime (thanks hermanita), so instead of falling asleep to it, which actually, PK says in the book you can do, I’m awake and focussed on what I’m doing.

I’ve also been exercising everyday. I’ve felt very motivated, but alas it’s been too much. Today is going to be a bed day because I’ve overdone it. What I think I’m going to do is alternate the exercises so one day will be Walk Away The Pounds and other days will be just stretching,  and maybe some strength work.

I’m hoping to start swimming lessons soon too, the teacher can only do evening classes which was a shame because I wanted to get out of the house in the day, but c’est la vie!


Here is the Chicken recipe I tried yesterday from the forum challenge I spoke about in my meal plan menu

Paprika chicken, healthy recipe, frugal, money savinh

It was really tasty, I enjoyed it, and could finish my dinner, which means I have some left today which is handy because I’m too achy to cook today.

Well I finally found my tape measure today, and I almost wish that I didn’t!

My measurements are 30-33 1/4- 47 1/2

I’ve never been that big. Ever

I’m very confident that I’m going to be losing weight, but I can’t help but be annoyed, especially my waist! I know I’ve got PMT bloat, but 33 inches? That may not be big to some, but my waist is usually about mid 20s.

I have started listening to Paul McKenna in the daytime rather at night, and have found that I seem to taking it in more. I guess it’s probably because I’m not falling asleep halfway through it!

This is the 3rd day in a row I’ve done my walk away the pounds video, and my body seems to be liking the movement. Once the snow has disappeared I’ll be starting my private swimming lessons too.

I’m going to measure myself every 2 weeks and try on the *skinny me * jeans. My goal is to have those jeans fit again.

Happy New Year!

I’m back.

I’ve decided to get back into blogging. I miss it, and I really want to get myself motivated again.

So new year, new beginnings? We always seem to make these massive resolutions and by the end of January we’ve usually tried and failed to get a proper routine going.

I think that it’s because we want to change, but don’t think about how we are going to make this transition. We run into our resolutions head first, and not realise that if we start slowly and take our goals day by day we’d succeed.

That is why I have called mine New Day resolutions

Everyday, I’m going to work at my resolutions. If I cannot do any for whatever reason, I’ll start again the next day.

I’ve set alarms in my phone to go off at a particular time each day for each particular task. I’m really enthusiastic about this way. I think it will also give me the sense of being busy, which is what I need.

My daily tasks are the following:

Walk away the pounds exercise and stretches.

The exercise will hopefully help me lose weight and the stretching helps me feel less stiff when I wake up.

Pre course work for CELTA course

The course I spoke about starts next month and I need to complete all the pre course homework.

Listen to Paul McKenna CD and fill out the diary

When I follow this system, it works. I just haven’t been doing so for various reasons. I want to lose weight, and I do not want to give anything up, so I’m back on this, and have restarted the 90 day diary. I’ve also taken pictures of myself in a bikini (awful) and trying on my favourite pair of jeans (they don’t even go up my thigh).

I thought about weighing myself, but I’m not really interested in weight because I’m naturally muscular and so even if I lose a stone, I barely lose a dress size. I’m more interested in inches so I’m looking for my tape measure.


I’ve been playing around with my meds for the past few months trying to find out which way is best for me. The pain clinic suggested only taking them when you start to feel really bad. I tried that and it didn’t work for me, so I’m back to taking them every 4 hours. I set my alarm to take them though as my memory is awful!

Weekly reminders

Checking my phone minutes

I’ve been caught out recently going over my minutes and it’s really expensive, so I’m going to check my balance weekly to make sure I don’t go over

Deal with only cash…

Except for petrol. The money I use for my weekly budget is £28 and some pence. I can’t get a fiver out of the cash machine so am going to use the £8 for petrol and have £20 for food outgoing etc.

Write a weekly meal plan

When you meal plan, you spend a lot less money so I’m going back to planning.  I want to have one fish day and one non meat day. I’ve been slacking a lot on this, and I’m feeling it. To make it more exciting I’m going to make one of the meals in my menu plan from my ever growing home made recipe book. recipe, weight loss

That’s me for now. How about you?

As I mentioned yesterday, I’m going to be using the Paul McKenna I can make you thin system to lose weight.

The first rule, the one I’m focusing on this week is: Eat when you’re hungry. I know it sounds like a no brainer, but when was the last time you were actually hungry?

In the book Mr McKenna suggests checking in with yourself to see if you’re hungry every hour using a scale of 1-10. The goal is to not to get to either extremes. He goes on to say that if you are not sure whether or not you’re hungry, have a glass of water, and describes hunger as a slow build up as opposed to a sudden craving.

Now that I’m listening to my body, I’m only beginning to feel peckish about 3 hours after being up.

I usually would have had breakfast in the first hour of being awake, and would have started thinking about lunch because of the time, and not because I was actually hungry.

I find it amazing how out of tune I am with my body, and am looking forward to being reconnected with myself again.

I’ve been slacking off big time from my goal to lose weight.  I am good for a few days, but then I drift off somewhere and then I’m back to square one. I tried to put on a denim skirt today and realised I couldn’t fit in. Not that I couldn’t zip it up, I couldn’t get it any further up than mid thigh!

Enough is enough. I really like the Paul McKenna programme and I’m going to follow it exactly 4 weeks rigidly.

The book is a quick read, and so I’m going to dip into it everyday, and will focus on one of the four main principles a week. The principles are

  1. Eat when you’re hungry
  2. Eat what you want
  3. eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful
  4. Stop when you think you’re full.

There are many reviews on Amazon that slated the book because the rules were too easy, but if it was, we wouldn’t need the book!

I’m going to try and do all the steps, but I’m going to focus on one each week. So this week, I have done an online shop at Asda, and bought not just healthy things, but things I would actually want to eat like crisps, and Nice biscuits.I’m going to eat want I want, but am really going to focus on whether or not I’m hungry.

I’m going to take a picture, so I can I have a before and after. Not sure if I’ll put it online though…

If anyone wants to join me in doing this, please let me know! Always good to have a buddy when doing these things.
